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All of the SYP Members Motions have passed

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

Recently, SYP held their 77th sitting and one of the main events was the voting on members motions that other MSYP’s had submitted. Following my consultation with my consitituents in Edinburgh Southern I found that people were in favour of all nine motions which I voted in line with at the sitting.

All of the motions ended up passing and are now part of SYP policy. If you’re interested here is a list of the motions:

  1. LGBT+ Conversion Therapy Ban

  2. Mandatory training in schools around substance misuse

  3. More support for transitional services for children and young people

  4. Fixed ‘study spaces’ in all educational institutions

  5. Care Experienced Mental Health Services

  6. Access to toilets at school

  7. Mandatory Holocaust education in schools

  8. Education maintenance allowance (EMA) for Asylum Seekers

  9. Improvements to the Rented Housing Sector

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