As you might have noticed by scrolling through the SYP Policy Log, each of the motions passed fall under a different level of policy. These are:
So here's a guide to explain them all!
Manifesto policy isn't updated very regularly due to the long process which it takes to pass SYP policy into our manifesto. This long process however does make it the most important type of policy that SYP generates. To pass, it must be voted on directly by young people across Scotland in a large consultation which takes place every 5 years. Because of this it's also the type of policy which lasts the longest, only expiring after 5 years. Due to their importance SYP manifesto policies get their own section on the SYP website. The last time the manifesto was updated was in 2021.
Policies which fall under this category are voted on fairly regularly, at every SYP sitting. The process for passing these statements is still rigorous though, MSYPs across Scotland must consult their constituents on these issues and then vote on the motions after listening to a debate.
Unlike other types of policy, these motions come in two types, opinion motions and action motions. Opinion motions typically state an issue that we feel decision-makers should tackle but there's not much that the Scottish Youth Parliament can do to help the problem other than campaigning for change. Action motions detail an issue that the Scottish Youth Parliament can directly help solve and these motions and five points must be provided by the person who proposes the motion on how SYP can take action on the problem.
Since the voting for these motions is through MSYPs and not directly through young people, these motions expire after 3 years but it is possible for them to be renewed if they are still relavent.
These motions have the least staying power at only 1 year, but they have the advantage of being very quick to pass due to their low consultation requirements. This type of policy is usually introduced in order to give SYP's view on a quickly developing issue. This type of policy can also be renewed.
SYP Policy Types Compared
| Manifesto | Statement | Recommendation |
Time to expire | 5 years | 3 years | 1 year |
Time to pass | Many months | 1 - 2 months | A few weeks |
Consultation requirement | Direct voting across Scotland | Indirect voting across Scotland | Small/local consultation or none |
Importance | High priority | Medium priority | Low priority |
Debate required | No | Yes | No |
Regularity | Every 5 years | Every few months (at SYP sittings) | Anytime |
I hope this guide allows you to interpret current SYP policy better. If you'd like to suggest any issues which are missing from current SYP policy, please let me know on the Policy Suggestions Forum or contact me via email.